Thursday, September 8, 2011

The people I love!

Gee it's been ages again since my last post. I feel it's been hard to get back to it for numerous reasons. We got the new laptop but I seem to lose it oh every time hubby gets home from work so that only leaves during the day which means no time to get into it. I've also felt lack of motivation to do it even though really it takes no time at all once I start. The other reason is if I don't keep little notes on what they've been saying and doing once I go to write it I can't remember. Anyway so here's my best shot.

The boys have all been good and well. Well fairly well other then all of them including me having abit of a cold at the moment. They've been keeping me on my toes as per usual and Jack and Will getting cheekier by the day.

Jack is ready for christmas already!
He saw this up in our linen cupboard and wanted to put it on.
Jack is showing lots of attitude lately with the looks (he copies me with this one) and the talking back. If you tell him he will have to go to his room if he has misbehaved he'll say well you'll have to go to your room. Or even demanding like last night said to Dad get off that computer Dad I'm going to watch my movie. I said excuse me Jack that is Daddy and Mummy's computer (he'll say no it's every ones) and you don't talk like that to Dad. I'm getting better with following through with him sitting on the stairs for the full three minutes with no talking the only problem is when Jack sits there Will won't leave him alone and it becomes abit of a game. Sometimes you only have yourself to blame because you don't realise how you talk at times and they copy you. Even one day when I picked Jack up from daycare his teacher said gee he's got a temper. She said she told him to stop doing something and he folded his arms and gave her the frowning look stamping his feet. Honestly there is too many things he gets from me as I'm the outspoken loud one in this house. It's a worry!

Jack also likes to help me like pushing the pram and he'll say I want to be your hero. So sweet! I'll say you are my hero darling.

He's getting really good with talking in conversation now and able to discuss different things. Yesterday we were talking about people getting old he asked if I'm getting old and what happens. He said then you go to heaven. I said yes everyone gets old and then will die and go to heaven. He said will you I said yes. He said will I, I said yes but you've got a long, long, long, long time till then and so goes Mummy. He asked what happens when people get old. I said people get old and their bodies just stop working the way they did when they were younger. Anyway it the first real conversation we've had about something like this. Actually when I was down staying at Kim's on the weekend and the boys rang to say hello we were on the phone for ages talking to Jack. Kim said that's the longest she's ever spoken to him.

What else with Jack. He is now going to the toilet really well no problems with the number two anymore thank god.

He is the oldest but the one that wakes some nights and will come down to me. He also only last night before he came down to me he went into Lucas's room to find his dummy but didn't find it. Then when he woke again this morning went in there luckily Lucas was already awake. Will is now reaching the door handles so he went into Lucas the other day but Lucas hadn't gone to sleep yet.

He's been getting really good with riding his big boy bike. We took the boys down the park couple of weekends ago. Ben took the bike trailer and we took the boys bikes. Had to take two cars down just to take it all. The boys had fun riding in the trailer and Jack had a ride of his bike. He went really well. It's hard where we live because it's so hilly everywhere so he can only ride it if we take it down the park.

I'm in the kitchen and Jack just came in and said I'm a big boy like Adam. We had Aunty Rachael, Uncle Patrick and Adam stay on Sunday night just passed and the boys absolutely loved having them here and playing with Adam. Jack loves his big cousin. Often different things he has he'll say is this Adams because Rachael has given him so many of his things.

Will eating his porridge!
Will is also getting much better with his talking. Yesterday we were driving to pick up Jack from preschool and Will said Jack isn't talking to me Mum and I said that's because he isn't in the car. He then said it again so I said why he said cause.
I was singing last week and he said stop that Mummy. I said don't you like my singing he said no. Nothing like a child to put you back in your place.

Will is very funny about noise. He'll say all the time what's that noise or that's noisy. He's sensitive to alot of things but I don't think it's unusual that one of them would be as I have always been a very sensitive person to alot of things as is Ben to some things.

Apparently Will only loves Daddy too. Firstly Jack and I were saying to Will Do you love Mummy he said yes,  do you love Jack yes, do you love Daddy yes then do you love Lucas no. He is not fond of Lucas at all. Hopefully improves as they get older. But then when you asked him after this he said no to everyone he just says no I love Daddy! Excuse me Daddy can start changing your nappies, bathing you & doing everything else then. Jack is more of Mummies boy and Will is a Daddy's boy. It is sweet though Daddy likes it I think.

Ben was asleep and Will was in our room playing quietly whilst
I was in the kitchen. I then went to check on Will and found him
Jack and Will are playing better and better together although still fighting over things and hit each other. Don't think this one will change for a very long time. They are playing more make believe games now as Jack gets older and is able to make up things and bring Will along. Jack has just asked me to put the light on in the garage to play in my car because he is going to school with Daddy and he is Adam.

The other night they were wrestling and it was so funny watching Will. He runs really funny and just jumps on Jack and Jack was laughing his head off. We say Will is going to be a wrestler while Jack is the boxer.

What can I say my sweet sweet angel who doesn't like vegies!
Lucas said Dadda for the first time on Wednesday. He had just woken up when I was getting him up and he said it. Excuse me but why is it not Mummy who does everything for him. Anyway very cute I rang Ben to tell him. He heard it for the first time this morning. Lucas is also going to crawl any day now I reckon. He's been getting on all fours for weeks now rocking back and forth and he'll pull one leg forward before falling.
He's also sleeping through pretty much now which is great. Still wakes once a night sometimes. As I said it's Jack that wakes me mostly. That first child you don't know what you are doing so they get into bad habits. Lucas is just a beautiful happy baby love him to bits as I do all of my boys.

So what about me. Well it was my 31st birthday on Tuesday. I was lucky enough to go to Sydney on Saturday for the night just with Lucas while Ben looked after Jack and Will. It was a mad dash just trying to get down there in time for my hair appointment my sister Kim had organised in Darlinghurst which was lovely. Really enjoyed the head massage could have sat there all day. Having a champagne went down really well too. Then had a nice lunch in a cafe nearby before heading back to Kim's with my other sister Lisa arriving a little later. We enjoyed a few or more glasses of champagne, a yummy Thai dinner (even though Kim only had it the night before) before trying to get to bed at a reasonable hour for me 12:30am. Had the best night just chatting, laughing, even some tears just a really nice girly night with my two favourite ladies. My sister Lisa is so funny she cracks us up.
Then enjoyed some fish and chips in the park the next day with my Mum and Dad for fathers day which was lovely even it is was a rush because it was too windy. Haven't spent Father's day with my Dad for a long time. The drive home was horrible. Took two hours to get from Kim's to the freeway so three hours in total and I was really tired. Lets just say I was glad to finally make it home.

My two sisters. You couldn't ask for two
more caring, loving, beautiful people.
Had a lovely birthday night receiving flowers, champagne and Ben cooked me a really nice dinner then we had a chocolate mud cake after which the boys enjoyed singing then digging into CHOCOLATE their favourite.

I always surprise myself when I say it's hard to remember things then once I start typing it all flows out. Although there are always things that have been funny the boys have said or done that I forget and I really want this blog be a way for me to remember them and for them to be able to read it one day so once again I must keep jotting my notes. Until next time.....


  1. These are great Leanne, the boys will really appreciate being able to go back and read these when they are older :) Thanks for sharing! Rach xx

  2. Thanks Rach. Do you like the bits about Adam? Jack just loves him & loves pretending to be him. It's so cute!


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