Saturday, July 30, 2011

Funny little boys!

I actually started this post a month ago and haven't gotten back to completing it till now. I was really sick with tonsilitis which threw me for six and then just getting back on top of things. Also since my laptop died it's been hard to find the time because when Ben gets home takes the computer as i've 'had it all day' but don't find the time in the day for some reason. Since starting this post we've had different outings to parks and the boys spent a night away staying with their Aunty Natalie. It was the first night away for me from Will other then when I spent the nights in hospital when I had Lucas. I really did miss them it was so quiet here without them. You would think I'd have relished the quiet but I found it really strange. I think because they were so far away and I was worried how they'd go sleeping without me there. Even though I knew they'd be fine. I did enjoy being able to go back to sleep until 8am after waking early with Lucas and getting dressed was nice. Ben and I had a nice lunch on the water at Terrigal. Gee life is so much easier with one baby. Oh well one day we will be able to go out to lunch or dinner again when the boys are older.

Ben and Lucas out to lunch in Terrigal.

 So mostly below is from a month ago other then one thing I added about Will.

I was sitting down to dinner with Jack and Will. Jack said if he eats all his dinner he'll grow up bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger like Mummy and Daddy. Then he started saying how I grew bigger and I was a little baby like him in Grandmas belly. We have been discussing alot the past week about him and the boys growing in my belly and about Mum and Dad growing in Grandmas and Nanna's. I said yes I was in Grandmas's belly. He then said but Aunty Kimmy wasn't. (He said this because we were talking about earlier today everyone and I said Aunty Kimmy hasn't had a baby in her tummy yet). I said yes she was and Aunty Lisa and their my sisters because we all grew in Grandmas belly. I said just like you, Will and Lucas all grew in Mummy's tummy and you have the same Mummy and Daddy so you are brothers. He then sat there for a minute thinking then said I love you and I'm your boy! He melts my heart sometimes.

Me and my gorgeous boy Jack!

I mentioned in a previous post how I think Jack would like to be a baby a little longer. Well Jack keeps saying he wants to still be my baby. He just can't help himself and keeps stealing Lucas's dummy it's become a real problem and poor little Lucas often has to go without because Jack will just steal it. We even brought a clip to attach it to Lucas but he just pulls it off. I even caught him just having a quick suck whilst it was still attached to Lucas. He has an addiction. Today he even wanted to eat Lucas's food apple pureed. It does taste nice I suppose but he just likes to act like a baby still. I wonder how much having two brothers so close and him having to grow up abit quicker plays a part. Anyway we just have to keep saying Jack your not a baby your a big boy.

This is where I found Jack asleep after stealing Lucas's dummy.

Will is so funny when he asks something or you say don't do that will he says OK. I think you have to hear him say it but he says it so cute. Jack and Will were having a bath and I popped down stairs for  minute then heard Will crying so went up there and said what's happening. Jack says I didn't do anything. I didn't actually witness anything so I just say both of you keep your hands to yourself. I decided to just stand outside the door and I was watching just around the corner. Will hadn't noticed me there. He then started to cry so I popped around the corner and said what's wrong. Will says Jack hit me and I said no he didn't I was watching. Will then starts laughing. What a cheeky little bugger. He's worked out he can get Jack into trouble if we aren't watching. Not sure who I'll believe now.

Cheeky Will!
 This is something that happened the other day with Will. I picked him up from daycare and I was putting him into the car. I said something or other and called him pumpkin pie and he said I'm not pumpkin pie I'm chicken. It was quite funny. I told Jack when we picked him up and we all had a good laugh. I've been calling him chicken now.

Will dressed in Lucas's tshirt and slippers.

Lucas has just started to find his feet. He has been teething and has been abit unsettled. Not sure how much the amber beads help but I think it's worth a try. I'm not used to him crying a whole lot because he really hasn't much in the last 5mths lucky for me. He's also started being able to roll over back and forth an swivel around so one minute I look and he's somewhere then the next he's moved over the other side of the room. I do not think it will be long till this little boy is crawling.

You can see he can not wait to be chasing around with his brothers. He loves to watch them. He seems to really love Jack. I reckon because Jack spent so much time up close with him since he was born smelling him and pinching etc but Lucas never seemed bothered by it I think he just liked his attention. Tonight Lucas was lying on our bed whilst I changed him and Jack was sitting on there with us. Jack was talking to him and saying "what is that face I will have to take that worm off you",  he then pretended to grab a worm from his nose and throw it. He then said "and are you good. And your little nose and mouth and hands. Are you good". He said he was the Dr.

Lucas loves having a bath with the two brothers he adores!

How beautiful is Jack here.

It's so funny listening to Jack now the little things he makes up. His imagination is well and truely working now. He makes up funny names for things. The other morning he was saying the poximation is outside. I said what he said the poximation it's a monster. Ok! He comes up with the funnist names for things. Alot of them start with the letter T for some reason.

Jack finally did a poo on the toilet after so long of trying to convince him so he got a new big boys bike.

As for what I'm up to at the moment I'm trying to start going through different things and having abit of a clean out. Today I started with the boys toys in the loungeroom. I'm going to try to work on one room each thursday. I want to try and get rid of some things so when we move we haven't got as much stuff. Also wanted to do the toys because they have TOO much and they just end up everywhere. They just don't need as much as they have. There's alot of junky stuff though too just little bits and pieces so I've put alot of them into a box. I want to get rid of stuff before they get anything more at xmas so now is as good a time as any. Not much else happening just trying to save save save so no big outings or buying anything. Really like to be able to move before the end of the year. Desperate for a backyard for the boys.

They definately need a backyard they can tinker around in. Here they are fixing Jack's 'motorbike'.
 So that is what I'd started a month ago and just didn't get back to finish and add some pics. Now I have lots of pics since then so I might just add a few extras. I hope to get back into writing regular posts again especially since we get our new laptop next week but I do think there will be a bit of a fight for the new one. I really find it hard typing on this one it's so small. Anyway better go Will is getting up to mischief whilst i'm distracted.

A weekend outing to Blacksmiths Reserve.

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