Monday, June 21, 2010

Where to start...

Well I've decided to follow a good friends idea and start a blog about my days spent with the boys and this pregnancy. I think it's a great idea to keep a record of what the boys are up to and how I'm going with everything as well as sharing with those I love. Might be abit theraputic too.

Anyway I feel like I've been constantly sick these last few weeks and not with morning sickness. First the boys & I all got sick with a cold then we all got a vomiting bug which luckily my helpful Mother Inlaw was staying with us to help at the time. Not great timing for her but I'm so greatful she was here. Can't remember the last time I felt like that. Now I have caught a cold again as well as suffering with back aches from the pregnancy. Not easy when your sick trying to look after the kids and get all you need to do done. Oh well it will all still be there tomorrow.

Other then all the sickness we've had we had a great party for Will's birthday. We were blessed with perfect weather and everyone seemed to enjoy the day the boys most of all. They just love being with everyone especially Jack and so enjoy being outside. It's one of the things about living here not having a real backyard. Will (or should I say Jack) got great pesents from everyone too. Thankyou to everyone your all very thoughful. The boys were asleep in the car within 5mins of leaving the park. I thought it would mean they'd both sleep well but unfortunately Will kept waking that night. Think he is getting teeth through as he woke last night with a high temperature.

Well I'm now 10weeks pregnant tomorrow and all is going well other then the back pain I've been experiencing these last few days. Went to Dr today and have a tiny amount of protein in urine so off to get an ultrasound on Thursday just to be sure nothing to be worried about. Dr thinks could just be a little dehydrated and isn't concerned. I think I'm just sore from lifting my two heavy boys. I remember having some pain in both pregnancies with them. Booked in to have the 12week pregnancy scan in couple of weeks. Can not wait to see the first pictures of our baby. It makes it feel more real then. Can't wait till I start feeling it kick too although I'm sure I already felt a movement the other day. I know it's really early but they say it is moving around by now & having been pregnancy twice I will probably feel this one quite early. Maybe I just had a little gas who knows :)

Picked up Jack from daycare today and his teacher said Jack really enjoyed the singing today. She said he stood up singing at the top of his voice and clapping that you couldn't hear any of the other kids. I did say I hope he wasn't yelling as he has a tendancy to do that. I'm just glad he is showing confidence and enjoying himself. She said he really loved singing the alphabet & knew all the letters. I'm not sure who has taught him that because we haven't sung that one. He seems to really enjoy going now & doesn't get upset at all when I drop him off. He seems alot more confident lately around other kids even at Gymbaroo he has been so different these last few weeks wanting to go & happy to do all the activities. Will & I also enjoy our time when Jack goes to school. Will loves exploring without constantly having things taken off him. He is getting really good at walking now too. He seems to be saying things but can't really understand them yet. Yesterday Jack was running back & forth & I had to say ready go & it sounded like will was saying go. He is pointing at everything.

Jack seems to have turned a corner in the past week & not pushing his brother every chance he gets. He's been really sweet actually. Hopefully it continues. Makes the days so much easier. Jack is just saying so much now. He also makes up little conversations with his toys. Yesterday in the car I heard him say to spiderman I'm abit tired spiderman. He plays really well now & makes up little games. Tonight I was telling Ben about something & said so what do you think & then Jack said so what do you think Dad. He doesn't miss anything now & can say everything. I've been getting him to help me alot more with things especially with Will so I have a feeling this has helped in him behaving better. He is just seeming so much more grown up. They really do grow up so quickly.

OK think I've written enough for my first post actually too much probably anyway off to have a shower (my precious time on my own).