Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Busy Busy!!

Just as I'm starting this blog I was going to upload a photo I had just imported from our camera and I think I've lost the photos. It was logged onto Ben's where I imported them then I had trouble with the internet so I just down the computer and I had already unplugged the camera too. I thought they'd be where they normally go under pictures but there not so I may have lost them which is upsetting. I'll have to get Ben to log in and have a look later.

Anyway we've had a busy couple of weeks. Boys and I headed down to Sydney couple of weekends ago. We stayed at Natalie & Brad's which was great. Boys love staying there and I get to relax abit too. They are just such a help especially when I was getting ready in the morning to head to Sammy's party. Thanks for your help and Julia too.

We went to Sammy's party on the Saturday. It was good to see my family and have a nice lunch and let the boys have a run around. Jack was abit scared of the jumping castle because the kids were all abit big for him. They had a great day all the same. Mark and Kim did a great job and it was a nice day.

Last week we had my Mum, Dad and nephew Jake come and stay for a few days which was nice. Again the boys loved having the company here. They love seeing family and friends especially Jack. We had a nice few days although the weather wasn't the best so we headed to the shopping Centre one day then Mum and I headed to Belmont Hospital for my scan only for me to forget the referral so I had to rebook. Luckily the lady was kind enough to fit me in the next morning even though she doesn't normally do pregnancy ultrasounds in the morning. So Friday I headed off while Mum stayed home to look after Will who was asleep. Jack had headed down with Dad and Jake to my Aunties. Thanks Mum for helping me with the boys and cleaning at home. Even after already having 2 kids it still so amazing to see that little life inside of you moving about. It seemed to be asleep at first or having a good rest so she gave it a prod to get it moving. Boy did baby move about then. He/She was jumping all about stretching it's arms rolling around. Baby even had the hiccups it's little head kept bobbing up and down. Lady said everything looked great looks very healthy. So precious! Can't wait for the next scan to see it again and with Ben.
We had Daddy's birthday on Monday. We went to David and Fayes for lunch on Sunday which was nice. The boys also love going over there visiting. We had a lovely lunch thanks David and Faye for doing that.

Jack has grown so much lately. He is no longer seeming like my little toddler he's becoming a real little boy. His talking is so good now he can say full sentences. He's also become abit of a little mother or maybe father to Will. If Will is banging something or doing something he shouldn't Jack is saying don't do that Will no Will. The other day Will was in his high chair eating and Jack was sitting on the stairs. Will kept throwing his food and Jack was saying don't throw it Will just eat it. When Will threw it again Jack stood up and said God and put it back on then when Will went to throw it again he tuttered and said no Will. Very funny!!! I got out of the shower the other night and he said have a good shower Mum and upon me waking the other morning he said did you have a good nights sleep. He just amazes me what he can say now. He is cracking us up more and more. He is doing really well at preschool. His teacher told me yesterday that he is playing really well with all the kids and getting along with everyone he seems really settled in there now. I think he has a favourite little girl there whose name he has said a few times. Yesterday when we were leaving he was in the car saying bye kids, give them a kiss and blew a kiss then he was saying bye Grace, bye Grace. So cute!! Anyway we seem to mostly be out of the terrible twos which is great. I can reason alot better with him these days.

As for Will he is walking so well now. He is trying to talk alot more too. I was saying don't touch to him last week and he repeated it. Not super clear but he said it. He is just so cute. Yesterday he had his 1yr immunisations which wasn't nice 3 needles. He was abit out of sorts last night but had been last few days as well. I think he is getting teeth through because he has been abit grumpy and drippling alot. I had to get up abit to him last night. Hopefully he is back to his old self soon. Very tiring having a grumpy baby.

Heading off to Sydney today for a few days stay at my sisters. Looking forward to it. It's also her birthday on Friday so we will do something special. Looking forward to next week too when my dear friend Kristy and her two kids Erik and Elva come to stay for a couple of days. The kids will love that. Must go get organised to head off this morning.